- Board of Directors
- Development Committee
- Executive Committee
- Grants Committee
- Membership Committee
- Finance Committee
- National Voice Work Group
- Nominations & Governance
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Christian Acemah
Christian Acemah
Head of School, Olney Friends School
Ken Aldridge
Ken Aldridge
Head of School, Wilmington Friends School
Matt Bradley
Matt Bradley
Head of School, Friends School Mullica Hill
Crissy Cáceres
Crissy Cáceres
Head of School, Brookyn Friends School
Maggie Chiles
Maggie Chiles
Head of School, Gwynedd Friends School
Kathryn Park Cook
Kathryn Park Cook
Head of School, Frankford Friends School
Brenda C. Crawley
Brenda Crawley
Head of School, Plymouth Meeting Friends School

Karen Cumberbatch
Karen Cumberbatch
Head of School, Carolina Friends School
Polly Duke
Polly Duke
Quaker Educator, Friends Academy Monthly Meeting Clerk & Friends School Board Member
Bryan K. Garman
Bryan Garman
Head of School, Sidwell Friends School
Kiri Harris
Kiri Harris
MS Learning Specialist, Greene Street Friends School
Michelle Holland
Michelle Holland
Head of School, Greene Street Friends School
Anne Houtman
Anne Houtman
President, Earlham College and Earlham School of Religion
Beth Johnson
Beth Johnson
Head of School, Friends' Central School
Christopher Kerr
Chris Kerr
Trustee, Buckingham Friends School
Dorothy [Dot] Lopez
Dorothy Lopez
Head of School, Friends School of Atlanta
Celeste Payne
Celeste Payne
At Large
Karyn Robinson Payton
Karyn Robinson Payton
LS Principal, Westtown School

Jay Rapp
Jay Rapp
Assistant Director of Strategic Initiatives and Alumni Relations.
Margaret Sayers
Margaret Sayers
Trustee, Abington Friends School

Earl Sissell
Earl Sissell
At Large

Kirk Smothers
Kirk Smothers
Head of School, Delaware Valley Friends School

Whitney Thompson
Whitney Thompson
Head of School, Tandem Friends School

Dana Weeks
Dana Weeks
Head of School, Germantown Friends School
Toni Williamson
Toni Williamson
Director of Equity & Inclusion, Friends Select School
Board of Directors
Development Committee
Development Committee
Development Committee
- Oversees Friends Council's fundraising efforts
- Determines funding needs at present and in the future
- Identifies people, corporations and foundations which might support Friends Council.
Matthew Micciche * (2019): At Large
Phyllis Mincer (2009) : At Large
Jack Rogers (2009) : William Penn Charter School
Margaret Sayers * (2022): Abington Friends School
Chris Singler (2023) : Friends Select School
Chris Kerr * (2020): Buckingham Friends School
Clerk Kirk Smothers * (2019) : Delaware Valley Friends School
Courtnay Tyus (2022): Westtown School
* = Member of the board of directors
Meeting Schedule
Zoom Video Conference
Executive Committee
Executive Committee
Executive Committee
- Oversees orientation of Board and Clerks of committees
- Conducts the business of the Council between meetings of the Board
- Serves as the Personnel Committee
- Reviews issues and organizes the agenda and calendar for the Board and its committees
- Supervises, supports and evaluates the Executive Director
Matthew Bradley * (2022) Treasurer : Friends School Mullica Hill
Karen Cumberbatch * (2017): Carolina Friends School
Clerk, Toni Graves Williamson * (2019) : Friends Select School
Kirk Smothers * (2019) Asst. Clerk/Secretary : Delaware Valley Friends School
Whitney Thompson * (2019): Tandem Friends School
* = Member of the board of directors
Meeting Schedule
There are no events to display
Grants Committee
Grants Committee
Grants Committee
- Develops and revises guidelines of Council's small grants program for recommendation to the Board
- Makes decisions to distribute Council funds in response to proposals from member schools
Angela DiMaria (2017) : Media-Providence Friends School
Kiri Harris* (2022): Greene Street Friends School
* = Member of the board of directors
Meeting Schedule
Zoom Video Conference
Membership Committee
Membership Committee
Membership Committee
- Annually reviews the membership status of all Council member schools and global affiliates
- Reviews new applications for membership in light of the Council's criteria
- Makes recommendations to the Board regarding the membership status of schools
- Visits membership applicant schools and reports to board on membership applications in process
Crissy Cáceres * (2024): Brooklyn Friends School
James W. Clay * : At Large
Nancy Donnelly : At Large
Brenda Esch : At Large
Jane Fremon : At Large
Bryan K. Garman * : Sidwell Friends School
Rose Hagan : At Large
Stephanie Judson : At Large
Christopher Kimberly : Friends Meeting School
Lee Payton : Friends' Central School
Christy Reardon : At Large
Sarah Sweeney-Denham : At Large
Clerk, Whitney Thompson * : Tandem Friends School
Nancy van Arkel : At Large
Laurence Van Meter: At Large
Toni Graves Williamson * : Friends Select School
* = Member of the board of directors
Meeting Schedule
Zoom Video Conference
Finance Committee
Finance Committee
- Oversees the Council's finances, budget development and investment policies
- Recommends annual budget to Board
- Oversees the annual audit of the Council's finances
- Establishes investment subcommittee; considers recommendations for investment policy and procedure
- Earl Sissel* (2017): At-Large
- Matt Bradley (2022): Friends School Mullica Hill, Clerk
- Christian Acemah (2024): Olney Friends School
- Maggie Chiles (2024): Gwynned Friends School
- Dorothy Lopez (2023): Friends School of Atlanta
Meeting Schedule
Zoom Video Conference
National Voice Work Group
National Voice Work Group
National Voice Work Group - Mission / Charge
- Provide idea generation and thought leadership to Friends Council on Education in support of the national voice strategic initiative “Boldly raise the visibility and brand of Quaker education” as highlighted in FCE’s 2017 Strategic Vision.
- Support Friends Council on national voice objectives, for example:
- Broaden the general awareness and understanding of the distinctive value of Friends education
- Help position FCE as a thought leader and guide on behalf of Friends education
- Strengthen member school’s understanding of and commitment to lifting up a national voice for Friends education
- Provide feedback, suggestions and implementation assistance on national voice efforts, including but not limited to:
- Monthly e-newsletters and alumni stories
- Social media campaign
- Issuing statements on matters of national importance and impact
- Engagement of the collective communications’ strength of the national network of member schools
- Blog
- Review and provide detailed feedback to staff, as needed, on prospective publications, print and/or electronic.
- Advise on the FCE website and digital publications to enhance communications with and between schools.
Anne Burns (2022): Westtown School
Kiri Harris* (2022): Greene Street Friends School
Michelle Holland (2008) : Greene Street Friends School
Jessica Hurwitz (2013) : Princeton Friends School
Celeste Payne* (2015) : At Large
Clerk, Guybe Slangen : San Francisco Friends School
* = Member of the board of directors
Meeting Schedule
Zoom Video Conference
Nominations & Governance
Nominations & Governance Committee
Nominations & Governance
- Recommends to the Board nominees for the Board, its committee members and committee clerks
- Fills unexpired terms through recommendations to the Board
- Seeks and develops a database of qualified candidates to fill future openings
Brenda Crawley * (2019) : Plymouth Meeting Friends School
Clerk, Karen Cumberbatch * : Carolina Friends School
Polly Duke * (2024): Friends Academy
Beth Johnson * (2024): Friends Central School
Karen Payton * (2024): Westtown School
Dana Weeks * : Germantown Friends School
* = Member of the board of directors
Meeting Schedule
Zoom Video Conference