Masked teacher teaching elementary school children.
Central to Friends Council's Work: Supporting Quaker Principles and Practices in Friends Schools


Central to Friends Council’s work is helping teachers, administrators, and trustees in Friends schools better understand and utilize Quaker practices in classrooms and work meetings. For some, it is their first time learning about Quaker history, Quaker testimonies, clearness process, Quaker decision making and Meeting for Worship. For others, they are taking steps to deepen their understanding and engagement with all of these Quaker elements in Friends education. ENTQ is a one-of-a-kind program that supports all participants in their journey. Friends Council is a key go-to resource. 

This fall, our work to support how Quaker practices can be used in classroom and work settings has been full speed ahead. Executive director Drew Smith has been delivering Educators New to Quakerism at Pendle Hill and a slew of other professional development workshops custom tailored for each school’s need. Drew has visited and delivered programming at Friends School of Wilmington (NC), Wichita Friends School (KS), San Francisco Friends School (CA), Westfield Friends School (NJ), Germantown Friends School (PA), Friends Community School (MD), Sidwell Friends School (DC), William Penn Charter School (PA), Media Providence Friends School (PA), Friends Seminary (NY), and Westtown School (PA).

One Friends school administrator, Yonnette Moore, Head of Lower School at Friends Community School, had the following to say after her faculty’s experience with Drew Smith’s workshop on Quaker principles and practices: 

“Your deep knowledge and passionate delivery truly made it an enriching experience. The insights you provided have given us a deeper understanding of Quakerism and its values. Many of the faculty/staff members were sharing about how much clearer they are on certain things, given your presentation. I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to come to Friends and share your knowledge.”

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