8. Friends School Culture
Chance, Janet. “What Would It Look Like If Clearness Process Were Given a Central Place in Quaker Education, Similar to the Place of Meeting for Worship? What Are the Possibilities for Weaving Reflective Discernment, or Its Building Blocks, into Friends Education in an Intentional Way?” Institute for Engaging Leadership in Friends Schools 2007–2009 Action Research (April 2009): 9–10.
Janet Chance has developed a collaborative group to study how the elements of clearness can be brought into younger students’ classrooms. Chance hopes to create a curriculum for students of all ages to engage in clearness skills and concepts.
8.1 Orientation
Brownlee, Lauren. “Guiding a Friends School Community Toward Answering to That of God in Everyone by Creating a Culture of Mentoring.” Voices of Leadership, Institute for Engaging Leadership in Friends Schools 2009–2011 Action Research (April 2011): 5–6.
Lauren Brownlee noticed that there was a lack of intention in mentoring students and new faculty at Sidwell School. After surveying students, alumni, and faculty, Brownlee helped create more time for advisement in the school’s schedule as well as implement consistent reminders of being intentional in mentoring students.
8.3 Discipline
“Discipline in a Friends School: Teaching Children to Care.” Chronicles of Quaker Education (Winter 2000): 5–6.
After realizing that the students at New Garden Friends School were out of control in their behavior, the teachers created a social curriculum with help from their classes in order to teach and provide the children with tools for appropriate behavior in the classroom and the community.
8.4 Non-Teaching Staff
Sweeney-Denham, Sarah. “Quaker Life for Non-Teaching Staff in Friends Schools: Lived Experience.” Institute for Engaging Leadership in Friends Schools 2007–2009 Action Research (April 2009): 27–28.
Sarah Sweeney-Denham made focus group discussions at three Friends K–12 schools in Philadelphia to survey how the nonteaching staff members were involved in Quaker practice at their schools.
8.5 Counseling
Gorzelany, Jennifer. “The Role of Quaker Practices in Counseling in Friends Schools.” Institute for Engaging Leadership in Friends Schools 2007–2009 Action Research (April 2009): 13–14.
After being a part of a hiring committee for a new school counselor, Jennifer Gorzelany became interested in if and how Friends school counselors implement Quaker teachings in a counseling setting. Gorzelany found that Friends school counselors use conventional classroom and therapeutic practices, but not Quaker ones.
8.6 Parent Involvement
Aldridge, Ken. “Communication and Outreach to Parents During a Time of Transition.” Institute for Engaging Leadership in Friends Schools 2007–2009 Action Research (April 2009): 3–4.
Ken Aldridge was interested in communication among a school, parents, and students during a time of transition; he was particularly interested in middle school students. He found that the best way to create healthy communication was to create workshops for parents at varying times of day so that working parents can attend.
The Rise of Quaker Education & Early Schools
Quaker Pedagogy: A Moral Approach to Experiential Learning
Diversity in Friends Schools
Friends School & Learning Differences
Friends School Leadership
Friends School Governance
Meeting for Worship
Friends School Culture